Saturday, April 18, 2015

Story about the Golden Touch

1.Read the following story about Midas. The passage is not complete.  Use your imagination and complete the story. Give a title to it.

 Once there was a king called Midas. He was very rich. Rich people are not ever satisfied. They want more and more. They more they have, they more they want. The king was not satisfied.--------------------------------
Once there was a king called Midas. He was very rich. Rich people are not ever satisfied. They want more and more. They more they have, they more they want. The king was not satisfied. For this, he prayed to God to get more gold. The God granted his prayer.  In that moment his little daughter came to him. The king touched her and she became a solid gold and could not move. The king was very sad to see that. He understood the fact. Then he prayed to God again to return his blessing. The God returned back it. So we came to know that excess of anything very bad.

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