Saturday, April 18, 2015

Essay Or Composition about A Journey by Boat

A Journey by Boat
 A journey by boat is very pleasant as well as interesting. At the same time it is something like a thrilling adventure to man living in a city. Pent up in a noisy and crowded city like Dhaka, I naturally jumped at the suggestion of some of my friends contemplation for a journey by boat.

Time and preparation: 
It was the month of October, 2010. We made our journey from Dhaka Sadarghat to Munshigonj. We were six in number. We hired a large boat and made all possible preparation for this journey. The day was nice. The river was calm and quiet.
Description of the journey: We started our journey at 12 noon. The boatman began to row the boat and the boat was moving swiftly. Gentle breeze was blowing. The small waves were beating against it. The ripples of the river made a sweet murmuring sound. While passing through, we enjoyed the beautiful sights on both the sides of the river. At about 3 p.m. our boat touches the ghat of a village market. We got down from the boat and bought a large ‘Hilsha fish’. The boatman cooked it and we had a nice meal. After resting for a while we started our journey again. Then the evening came with all its beauties and glories. The last rays of the setting sun reflected on the calm water that enhanced the beauty or the river more affluently. We got on the roof of the boat and enjoyed the grand sight of the nature. The crimson rays of the setting sun added to the beauty of the green fields charmed us. After seven hours journey we reached Munshigonj ghat at about 6 p.m. Some of our friends were waiting for us at the ghat. They accorded us a hearty reception.

The return journey:
 We spent a happy time with them. After a lapse of about two hours we again got into the boat and started our journey. Our return journey was equally pleasant. The boat was passing very gently. It was a moon-lit night. All my friends came out of the boat and sat on the roof. The moon’s beam flooded the whole river and filled it with uncommon beauty. Out of joy one of my friends began singing a sweet song. I thought I was in a dream land where only joy and beauty reign. The boatman also began to sing:-

“Row, row, row, the boat, gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream”.

When the night advanced, we entered into the cabin and lie down and fell asleep. The next morning when we woke up it was just daylight. Our boat reached the Sadarghat. We got down from the boat. Thus, our journey by boat to a happy end.

 The journey by boat is really a pleasant one. It provides us a lot thrill and pleasure that cannot be described but to be felt only. Such a pleasure of a journey which we undertook will never efface from memory. Really this journey by boat will supply us serene delight for all time to come.

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